Thursday, 27 August 2015

Thinking of studying medicine in Pakistan?

This blog is purely aimed at students who wish to study medicine in a Pakistani medical college. I’ve written this to share my personal experiences about the steps and colossal hurdles you and I will have to cross to get to that fancy podium, where we shake an old guy’s rusty arm and get handed a piece of paper that states were a doctor.  

In this blog I will share my personal experiences that I’ve taken to gain admission into a Pakistani Medical College. I’ll talk about the lengthy processes, the long waits, the hard decisions and pain staking points you must review before making the big move over to this harsh country.

I’m keeping the tone of this blog relatively informal, so we’ll get by with some slangs and I’ll toss in a few jokes to ease the nervous readers mind. So sit back and enjoy the ride along with me, whilst we become Dr Sahib’s and Madam’s…