Saturday, 29 August 2015

Important steps you need to take.

Make sure you grab this thing when you come to Pak....
Okay so now the intro and the boring stuff is out of the way,  let’s get to the good stuff. So now I’m going to tell you some house rules about Pakistan. You MUST have a PAKISTANI PASSPORT, you also MUST have a NICOP (It’s best to have both). A Pakistani passport is best because it allows you to be recognized as a Pakistani only. When you come to this country, the biggest secret you want to hide from everyone is that you’re from a different country. So have a passport, take this along with you were ever you go. A NICOP is also a MUST. If you don’t know what this is ask your dad, cus he’s the one who probably went through all that hassle of NADRA and got you that card. This card shows that you’re an OVERSEAS PAKISTANI CITIZEN. This card also has your NIC (National Identity Number) a sort of social security number. You need this card to gain admission otherwise you’re a goner.

Another thing, make sure you have your ORIGINAL COLLEGE TRANSCRIPTS! I mean super originals only, no colour copies etc. Cus in this country you need originals to process everything! (even pizza delivering sometimes!) Make sure you have transcripts, not recommendations, not a list with paper codes. Make Sure it’s a piece of paper which states your results for each science subject. Make sure you can see that the transcript has a separate heading for Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Make sure there not just grouped under one heading. Trust me I had this problem and IBCC rejected my application like I was worth nothing. I had to go through 3 months of agony to get this process done.

Another thing is attestation, if you don’t know what that means, all goods, cus I just found out 6 months ago. ALL PHOTOCOPIED DOCUMENTS NEED TO BE SINGED AND STAPMED BY A GOVERNMENT OFFICER ABOVE GRADE 18. The best way to get this done is to make like 100 copies, (when ur not in Pakistan), of all Foreign passport, of all NICOPS, of all transcripts and take them to the Embassy of Pakistan (in your country) and get them signed there. It will be much easier than doing this in Pakistan, cus here to start with finding a printer is harder than finding gold. I swear everyone asks for a attested copy and if it’s not attested they won’t even look at your case.

Remember your going to Pakistan. There are no computers here, no productivity, and no bloody electricity! You’re in for one hell of a 

- Habib

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